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How Does Beat Saber Scoring Work: Master the Rhythm!

Beat Saber has revolutionized the world of VR gaming with its intuitive play style, catchy tracks, and addictive gameplay. But to truly stand out and top the leaderboards, it’s imperative to understand the intricacies of the Beat Saber scoring system. Whether you are a beginner looking to improve or an experienced player aiming for perfection, this comprehensive guide will dissect the scoring mechanics and share tips on how you can maximize your Beat Saber performance.

Understanding the Scoring System

The scoring in Beat Saber may seem straightforward at first glance, but there’s a surprising amount of depth to it. Each successful cut of a block contributes to your score, which is determined by specific factors that we’ll delve into.

The Breakdown of Beat Saber Scoring
Factor Description Max Points
Slice Angle Refers to the angle of the swing leading up to hitting the block. The approach angle should be at least 90 degrees. 70 Points
Follow-Through After cutting the block, your swing should continue for at least 60 degrees. 30 Points
Accuracy The precision of the cut, which means slicing the block as close to its center as possible. 15 Points
Bonus Multiplier Based on the consistency of your combo without missing any blocks or hitting bombs. Varies

Totaling to a maximum of 115 points per block, it’s clear that your technique directly influences the points rewarded. Let’s break down each component further to understand how you can achieve the best scores possible.

Maximizing Your Score: Techniques and Tips

Slice Angle

To maximize points from the slice angle, players should:

  • Swing wide and aim to achieve the full 110-degree arc (90 before, 30 after).
  • Practice consistency in arm movements to hit the ideal angle consistently.


The follow-through contributes to 30 points, so don’t stop your swing abruptly after hitting the block. Ensure that you:

  • Continue the swing motion after the cut for at least 60 degrees.
  • Think of cutting through the block, not just at it, to maintain flow and precision.


Accuracy can be elusive, but it is achievable with practice. To get the full 15 points, you should:

  • Focus on hitting the very center of the block for maximum accuracy points.
  • Practice different song difficulties to improve precision across varying block arrangements.

Bonus Multiplier

Bonus points are crucial for high scores. To keep your multiplier high, you should:

  • Avoid missing any blocks or striking bombs, as this will reset your multiplier.
  • Maintain a streak of perfectly sliced blocks to build and maintain the multiplier.

How Does Beat Saber Scoring Work: Master the Rhythm!

Credit: www.reddit.com

Practice Makes Perfect

As with any skill, the key to achieving higher scores in Beat Saber lies in consistent practice and patience. Combining your understanding of the scoring mechanics with dedicated training will eventually lead to more accurate, confident, and high-scoring performances. Remember, Beat Saber is not just about randomly swinging your sabers; it’s about precise, controlled, and rhythmic moves in sync with the beat.

Read More – How Many Songs Does Beat Saber Have? Ultimate Guide!

Frequently Asked Questions Of How Does Beat Saber Scoring Work: Master The Rhythm!

How Is Beat Saber Scored?

Scoring in Beat Saber is based on three main criteria: accuracy of the swing, how much of the block is sliced, and the angle of the cut. Points are allocated accordingly.

What Factors Affect Beat Saber’s Points?

Points in Beat Saber are affected by swing technique, cut angle precision, and the accuracy of slicing the beat blocks.

Can You Improve Beat Saber Scores?

Yes, players can improve their Beat Saber scores by practicing slicing techniques, ensuring accurate angles, and maintaining the rhythm of the songs.

What Is The Max Score Per Block In Beat Saber?

The maximum score for a single block in Beat Saber is 115 points, achieved with perfect cut angle and swing technique.


The Beat Saber scoring system may have complexities, but by breaking down each element and focusing on the techniques highlighted, players can significantly improve their performance. Remember that while the goal is to achieve high scores, enjoying the immersive experience of slicing through beats is what makes Beat Saber truly engrossing. So grab your VR headset, ignite your sabers, and carve your path to becoming a Beat Saber sensation!

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